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Sweden - Moldova 1/9/2020 Free soccer tips






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"Sweden" - "Moldova". 9.1.20. Prediction and match betting

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The third football match between the Swedish and Moldovan teams will take place on 9 January for the third time this season. The Sweden team won 2-0 in the first encounter, but Moldova were stronger in the second game after winning 3-2. This game starts at 8:00 p.m. Moscow time and should show which team is stronger this season. The game takes place as part of the National Cup, so it's about the title.

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It is not only interesting but also informative to preview games where rivals like the players of the Swedish and Moldovan national teams are champions. We always try to use different sources of information so that our forecasts have a high probability of continuity. Of course, the games we choose to predict don't play the final role.

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For example, a game between the Swedish and Moldovan teams will be interesting for many soccer fans, as well-known soccer players meet who annually fight not only for the title of the best soccer club, but also for the title of the best soccer player. It is clear that what kind of fan can rarely resist betting on this game, especially since the bookmakers of this confrontation only offer a huge selection of basic and additional bets. Our job is to reflect our vision of the game and to make the bettors aware of the most interesting offers in the bookmaker series.

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The Swedish and Moldovan teams are clubs whose game is always focused on one result - victory. And this game will not be an exception, on the contrary, it will win, this game will be the greatest wish of both teams, or there will be even more dangerous moments than in any ordinary game, the main question is whether the game will be productive. And here we definitely say "YES"!

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Sweden win - 1,296, draw - 5, Moldova win - 7.3

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Tip for the game Sweden - Moldova (friendly, national match, Sunday, September 22): The Swedish football club received a quote of 1,296 from its bookmakers for their win. With a coefficient of 7.3 you can bet on the victory of Moldova. According to the quote, bets on a tie are accepted.

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Personal meeting history

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Der große Fußball kehrt zu den Fans dieses Sports zurück, und heute warten wir auf die Auseinandersetzung zweier berühmter Fußballvereine - der schwedischen und der moldawischen. In der vergangenen Saison haben sich die Vereine lautstark angekündigt, und wir hoffen, dass die Nebensaison den Mannschaften zugute gekommen ist. In der neuen Saison können sie wieder hervorragende Ergebnisse vorweisen, die es ihnen ermöglichen, hohe Positionen in der Meisterschaft einzunehmen, und Fußballfachleute werden erneut über gute und gut koordinierte Arbeit sprechen. Manager und Fußballspieler.

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Im Vergleich zur vorherigen Meisterschaft gab es einige Änderungen in den Aufstellungen. Die Manager führten eine gute Auswahl durch, die es ihnen ermöglichte, berühmte Fußballspieler zu den Mannschaften einzuladen. Zweifellos sind diese Verbesserungen darauf zurückzuführen, dass die schwedische und die moldawische Mannschaft nicht nur an den Meisterschafts- und Pokalspielen des Landes teilnehmen, sondern auch ihre Meisterschaft in der europäischen Arena repräsentieren werden. Und das erfordert doppelte Anstrengungen der Teams.

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Nach den Trainingsspielen in der Vorsaison sind die schwedische Mannschaft und die moldawische Mannschaft in hervorragender Verfassung und bereit, erst nach den ersten Spielen der Meisterschaft um den Sieg zu spielen. Immerhin stellte die Führung der Vereine ihre Gemeinden vor ernsthafte Probleme, an deren Lösung neue Spieler beteiligt waren. Das schwedische Team und das moldawische Team haben in den letzten Saisonspielen einen guten Fußball gezeigt. Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass die Manager das taktische Design des Mannschaftsspiels im Vergleich zur letzten Meisterschaft wesentlich verändert haben. Daher erwarten wir von diesem Spiel einen Angriff auf den Fußball und viele erzielte Tore. Und möge der Stärkste gewinnen.

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Schweden - Moldawien 01.09.20

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Der Fußballverein Schweden wird am 9. Januar das dritte Spiel in Folge auf seinem Feld bestreiten. Diesmal wird Moldawien der Rivale sein, daher werden die Gastgeber um 20:00 Uhr Moskauer Zeit die Unterstützung der Fans wirklich brauchen. In diesem Jahr haben sich die Mannschaften noch nicht auf dem Fußballplatz getroffen und in der vergangenen Saison zweimal gespielt. Beide Spiele endeten unentschieden mit einem 0: 0. Die Fans hoffen daher, dass dieses Treffen interessanter wird.

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Pre-Match-Analyse und Buchmacher-Vorhersagen

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Für die schwedische Mannschaft und die moldawische Mannschaft, die im nächsten Meisterschaftsspiel gegeneinander antreten, ist das Treffen von grundlegender Bedeutung. Beide Vereine haben in der Nebensaison deutlich zugelegt, was bedeutet, dass sich die Geschäftsführung hohe Ziele für die Mannschaften gesetzt hat. Dieses Spiel wird die Bereitschaft der Mannschaften für die Saison und den Kampf um hohe Plätze in der Meisterschaft bestimmen.

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Daher werden die schwedische Mannschaft und die moldauische Mannschaft sehr sorgfältig vorgehen und zunächst über die Verteidigung ihres eigenen Ziels nachdenken. Wenn wir die Spiele der Mannschaften der letzten Saison betrachten, dann haben sie zwar immer ein Auge auf die Abwehr geworfen, aber gleichzeitig eine ganze Reihe von Gegentoren erzielt. Aber jetzt hat das Spiel einen völlig anderen Plan. Die wahrscheinlichste Wette hier ist eine Wette auf die Gesamtsumme, die weniger als die erzielten Tore beträgt. Aber der Favorit in einer solchen Konfrontation ist sehr schwer zu bestimmen.

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In fact, the Swedish team has nothing more to offer than the advantage of their field. The opponents are not inferior in the selection of players and the coordinated actions on the field. This means that the outcome of the game can be decided with a single stroke, making it difficult to give preference to one of the opponents. But what you can confidently talk about is the number of yellow cards. The opponents will try to interrupt their attacks in the middle of the field, which will result in a large number of violations. Given the status of the game, the referee is forced to punish the snappers with warnings, so this bet is perfectly appropriate.

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Forecast Sweden - Moldova (August 30, 2018), rates and quotas

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The Swedish football club has not played on their field for two weeks, but on January 9, the home players can finally satisfy their fans by returning to their home stadium. Moldova will be the rival of the hosts in this fight, so there is no doubt that there will be no free space in the stands at 8:00 p.m. Moscow time. There are always plenty of goals in the encounters between these opponents, because in the last opposition of these teams the score was 3-3.

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Despite the fact that everyone expected the Swedish football club to fail in the debut season, the team is still stable, so they are not afraid of relegation and occupy third place in the overall standings. The hosts' success is due to the fact that the coach managed to invite several experienced players to the team in the off-season, who, although they are veterans, have a significant impact on the game and help their young and inexperienced partners. Although the Swedish football club is currently showing good results, especially at home, where there have already been six wins with one defeat, away games for the debutants are much more difficult. The mentor even sticks to the defensive model of the game at home, so only one striker plays for the hosts in almost all games. Sweden cannot play for FC's attacking midfielder, but the question of the left midfielder and center-back on the pitch is questionable.

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The Moldova Football Club remains in the relegation zone, although guests only need a few points to leave. The team plays terribly away without knowing the victories of the guests, which prevents them from fleeing from the lower end of the tournament table because not enough points are collected on their field. The outsider misses twice as many goals as he scored, and the same weak teams have managed to beat the Moldovan football club, and only on their own field.

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The team is unlikely to be able to avoid a downgrade because the Moldovan football club has no players apart from the poor tournament position who can take the initiative and lead the rest. This season, the guests have never shown their character, and it is already known that the game will end in defeat if Moldova misses the football club first. Two defenders were immediately banned and the attacking midfielder was out of action for two months.

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Interesting facts before the game Sweden - Moldova

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The Swedish team had great training before the season. In friendly matches and the opening games of the new season, the coach tried to involve all players in order to find the best possible composition. It seems that he has succeeded because the Swedish team is a tremendous force in their field that can cause problems for any team. So far, guests have only been drawn into the season.

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The Moldovan team has changed significantly compared to the previous championship: some players left the team and new players were invited to take their place. So far, however, the newcomers have only acclimatized to the new club, which is why it is difficult to expect constructive measures from the first games. In personal conversations, the advantage is on the side of the Swedish team, and today our forecasters see no reason for the home team not to win. We therefore recommend betting on Sweden's victory. However, given the number of goals, we tend to assume that the game will be productive. This is evident from the statistics of personal encounters and from the fact that both teams have enough players who can use their technical measures to create an assist moment for the opposing goal.

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We assume that both clubs can excel in this game, so the sum is broken. I would like to point out another good result separately - angular. Both clubs actively attack the wings when building their attacks, so that they serve many corners in all games. Today we assume that they will break through the overall angle set by the bookmakers.

The game ends with the victory of Sweden - 1,296, the game ends with the victory of Moldova - 7.3, the game has no winners - 5.

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Sweden - Moldova. Prediction and betting on the game. Friendly Games January 9th

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The head coach of the Swedish football club is actively preparing for January 9, as his team will have a very difficult game that day. Moldova is visiting, so the situation on the football field at 8:00 p.m. Moscow time will be very tense. In these games you can always see the passions on the field and in the stands, as they are mainly rivals, so the fans in the stadium are very active and the players fight until the referee's final whistle.

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In the summer, the Swedish football club managed to get many leaders back into its ranks, and fans hoped that the team would resume the struggle for the championship a few years later. However, the arrival of many players did not have a major impact on the game of the hosts, who started the season well but then experienced a strong recession. The Swedish football club cannot win in eight rounds by scoring three draws and losing five games.

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The head coach tries to get out of the situation by constantly changing players, but very few players show decent levels and most are in bad shape. Even on their field, the team started to do much worse because there have been three home defeats this season, though there has been only one for the whole of last year. There are no fake defenders in defense, so there is often not enough mutual understanding between the players of this plan, and this does not make it possible to quickly eliminate the dangerous situation near the goal. The only loss to the hosts in this game is a defensive midfielder who saw the yellow card.


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After a disastrous last season, when the Moldovan football club didn't lose much in this division, the head coach was switched so that an experienced coach was selected and not a former soccer player who had never coached anyone before. The new coach introduced strict team discipline and changed the training schedule so that the Moldovan football club showed a good game again and it definitely doesn't have to fight for survival this season.

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On the contrary, the guests are fifth in the championship and qualify for European Cups, and the team seldom loses because there have been only two losses throughout the season, both against representatives of the top three of the championship. The Moldovan football club is currently spending a win-win series of twelve games after seven wins and five draws. Although the left winger and attacking midfielder are in the hospital room, this does not have much of an impact on the team's tactics, as the team has good bets in these positions.

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Statistics and personal meetings

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Our forecasters believe that the bookmakers give the home team too great favorites when dealing with guests. The Swedish team is not so good now because the win was offered for such a small coefficient, and the handicap offered to the home team just seems like something fantastic to us. The guests increased strongly in the off-season and at the beginning of the championship the club showed that it was able to fight the championship leaders equally.

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The Swedish team has never been a leader, yes, the club usually ends the season in the first part of the table. However, the home team has not defeated anyone for a long time and we see no conditions for defeat today. Therefore, our prediction for this game is the handicap of the guests. Of course, riskier and gambling bettors can play a bet - the Moldovan team will win or there will be a tie. However, we think that the home team can win with a slight advantage due to the factor of the home stadium and the home fans, so we think this bet is risky.

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The overall goal in this game is to play more because both clubs have a good attack and midline players are able to fire precise long-range shots, which they have proven more than once. We still see a good bet in this game as a bet on fewer than corners. The Swedish and Moldovan teams are not among the opponents who actively use the flanks for building attacks, especially since the declared total has hardly ever found its way in personal meetings between these teams.

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"Sweden" - "Moldova": Who is the favorite of the upcoming meeting?

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Sweden - Moldova. Football Prediction (01/09/20)


Team Sweden and Team Moldova are rivals in the game selected by our forecasters, which is known for its offensive style of play. Both clubs attack with almost all football players. Here, even the Oporniki can be rebuilt in the attack and cause final strikes. In principle, the trends of modern football determine their conditions. So you have to adapt to them.

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An attack on football played by both clubs is not a bad option. The home team has grown significantly compared to last season, the club has won several famous football players, which was a clear win, and the manager has done a great job in the off-season, making the game available to the entire team. In the home walls, the Swedish team is an impressive force to be reckoned with. The guests have not changed significantly compared to last season.

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Given the lineup the coach has announced before the game, our forecasters are noticing some changes and are unlikely to get any better. Our favorite in this argument is the Swedish team, who have already shown that they play decent football in their home walls. The fact that the Swedish and Moldovan teams are trying to be offensive makes us think that we will score more goals overall, as there is a good chance that the clubs will exchange the goals scored, so the chances of our prediction are very high. I would like to point out the large number of corners that teams submit in full-time confrontations. The total offered by the bookmakers in the line has prevailed in all games of the teams of the last season and there is no reason for the clubs not to break this total in this game.

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Sweden - Moldova: The teams focus on the attack

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The Swedish team and the Moldovan team will try to meet the expectations of the fans and the leadership, according to the managers, and this season they will endeavor to show the best game in order to rank high in the championship results Overall rating. Both clubs made excellent preparations for the new season, which allowed the teams not only to attract new players, but also to become part of the clubs, suggesting that the players did not play around in the off-season but actively took various tactical measures.

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Most likely, from the first games of the season, all players belonging to Sweden and Moldova will try to prove themselves to get a place at the base or to be able to play more minutes. The managers know that the season is just beginning and that it will be very, very difficult to achieve smooth and stable results. Therefore, give all players the opportunity to prove themselves so that they can count on the joker at a crucial moment for the team in the person of a successful player. We only expect dynamic and productive football from this confrontation, since both clubs are capable of doing so and there are no factors that could prevent this.

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The Swedish team had a serious personnel policy in the off-season, which allowed the club to sign a number of promising football players, which should undoubtedly strengthen the team's game. Of course, this sets new goals for the teams because the management, who has invested a lot of money in strengthening the club, wants to see the result.

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The Moldovan team was poor on the transfer market. This is most likely due to the club having a limited budget and all key positions being closed by football players who have been with this team for more than one season. The Moldovan team has not set any significant goals in the overall standings, which is why the favorite of this confrontation is obvious. On the other hand, there is the possibility of underestimating the opponent, as there have been several problems with the players of the Swedish team in the past season, who had problems in games in which they were supposed to win confidently.

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In another case, however, it is necessary to become leader of the standings and take the leading position in the overall standings at the start of the season. Therefore, the mentor sets up his protective spells so that they realize all moments of the attack and act carefully on the defensive to avoid mistakes. Of course, the guests in this game have no illusions, but the club can rest because they have seen and played defenders, and the Moldovan team can respond to counter attacks. Our forecasters are waiting for an interesting discussion here, which could be even more interesting if the hosts don't score a quick goal.

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Sweden - Moldova: statistics and personal meetings

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The performance statistics of the teams do not always reflect the essentials of what really happens on the football field. For example, in the dispute between the Swedish and Moldovan teams, our experts believe that the game is not played at all as these teams are used to playing. Both clubs are leaders of the table, in games with their rivals they are used to playing the first numbers. In a match between themselves, the teams must either act in opposite places or one of the teams must play the second number.

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Of course, the club managers have a difficult choice since the Swedish and Moldovan teams now have certain problems with the main players and some of them are questionable. It depends on what tactics managers will choose for this game, and a lot will depend on it. However, our experts decided not to guess the tactics of the teams. We will try to focus on the statistics of this game. Fortunately, the bookmakers offered fairly decent betting volume for the game between the Swedish and Moldovan teams, believing that this confrontation will be the central game of the weekend. A detailed analysis of the game can be found below. We think the game is perfect for in-game betting as events on the field will develop quickly. So that fans do not have to get bored, they will see an interesting game with an unpredictable result.

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